Wartune Talent Level

Class advancement gives a really hugeboost to characters, so you should do it as soon as possible.

In Wartune Hall of Heroes game update v5.1 players will be able to advance their class to higher level via Class Advancement. Class Advancement System. Once the player reaches Level 80 and unlocks the Dragon Soul system, the players will receive the Class Advancement Main Quest. Wartune is a free 2.5D online MMORPG that mixes strategy with classic turn-based action. Choose one of three classes and enjoy an adventure of city-building and turn-based battles with PvP, Boss challenges and diverse upgrade systems.

2.) dragon soul (first stage) maxedout.
To reach these goals as soon aspossible, you should stop collecting talent points (people are notusing HS anyway) and go directly for 80. About dragon soul, you canmaximize for free in a month if you can do nirvana nm (4 soul / day)and got far enough in Necropolis (lvl 5: 1/day, lvl 10: 3/day, lvl15: 6/day, lvl 20: 10/day, lvl 25: 15/day). Do not buy crypt keys forthis, just don't use them in Catacomb and save up the ones you getfor free from blitz and from guild wheel.
Once you meet the prerequisites, youcan do the class advancement quests at NPC … in Cloud city. Pleasenote that the quests must be completed in this order.
Wartune talent level 20
1.) Clear lych lair nm (don't need todo with attempt)
Wartune talent level
3.) Win 3 battlegrounds (it's not kill,your side must win 3 times)
4.) Clear Dragon king (it's just aspecial solo dungeon, it's very easy)

Once you completed these, the classadvancement stuff opens up:
1.) Dragon lord experience. You willhave an XP bar of different color where you can collect XP again andlevel up. There are 8 stages, each stage has 10 levels. The unused XPyou had (800M usually) is used here, so I started off at stage 5,level 6. Before you hurry pump all your xp scrolls, books, andpotions here, I suspect that we shall hit the roof before they addadvanced talents...
2.) New skills. You get 12 new skillpoints and new skills. I assume you get skill points for each stageyou completed. You can spend these skill points in both skill tree(if you opened the 2nd). I recommend using the points on the passivesfirst (Sturdy, +10% HP and a class-specific). For my mage, I boughtthe mana shield too (16% dmg reduction for 3 rounds), the rest seemspretty useless :( Icebolt is much weaker single-target thanThunderer, can't slow and less damage, and Flame Tornado is real crapcompared Delphic Hell Thunder, less damage on group, and can't stun.It's more damage on a single target, but 100 rage is too expensive,Thunderer beats it.
3.) Astral effect. You get an arrow foreach astral slot, which you can refine like mahra, troopenlightenment etc. Each level gives 1% bonus to the astral you putin. And here is a trick! Percentage astrals, like determination, willdesroyer etc. directly get the percentage. So if you have a level 3astral effect, it will make your determination 50% into 53%. Whileyou put there a holy mysticality with 2880 MATK, it will become only2937. So put your percentage astrals in the slots you refine first(unless it's a BR event).
Wartune talent level
4.) Dragon invasion. This is fun!First, you have to make a party. Then enter the Dragon temple at NPC… You get bosses after each other you have to defeat. It's mostlya damage race, not much healing is needed for the first few. Thethird one requires purify, the 4th already requires some healing, andthe 5th you have to scatter, and kill quick, or he wipes the group.We couldn't kill the 6th. Sometimes the boss kills a team member –regardless of hp – fortunately he can rejoin after about 15seconds. The loot is awesome – we get like 40 dragon souls, mounthoof and 5-6M gold per session.
5.) Dragon soul. You can improve your dragon soulfurther. It gets very expensive soon, though. Stage 2 levels cost:50, 120, 300, 820 (imagine the next!) but the bonus is really huge,1000 defense, 1000 crit, 1000 block, 1000 penetration. But don't waste money on getting dragon souls, the one you get from Necropolisis insignificant compared to the free ones from Dragon invasion.

Wartune talent level

Wartune Talent Level

Summary: Class advancement is cool.You can collect xp again (wee, bought VIP!), you can spend goldagain, astral effect give much better boost to your character thanmaking your lvl 9 astral to 10; the new skills – especially thepassive ones – help, and dragon invasion is awesome loot, like afree +10 mount each day, and dragon soul gives a big BR boost.